About Beit Jala Pharmaceutical Co.

Beit Jala Pharmaceutical Company (BJP)
Beit Jala Pharmaceutical Company (BJP)– formerly Jordan Chemical Laboratory (JCL)– was founded in 1969 with a commitment to the constant development of pure safe and effective drug pharmaceutical products.
BJP is located in Beit Jala close to Bethlehem, few kilometers to the south of Jerusalem.
BJP conducts its operations in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and is ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certified

Our Vision
Quality, Affordable and Innovative Medicines to Improve People’s lives.

Our Mission
Recognized as a Leading Pharmaceutical Manufacturer for our commitment to highest quality standards, research-based innovation and advancement of communities, in all markets we serve.

Stratigic Goals
- Effectively leading existing markets and expanding in new ones.
- Ensuring a pro-active R&D which creates the basis of the company’s value proposition.
- Producing high-value modern medicines based on international best practices and customers’ needs.
- Managing a vibrant organization that nurtures talents, stimulates efficiency and collaboration among its employees and ensures a sustained growth for its shareholders.
Chairman Message
Nidal Munir Sukhtian

Nidal Munir Rida Sukhtian
Chairman of the Board
Hamad Jamal Asad Al-Masri
Deputy Acting Chairman of the Board
Naim Ibrahim Mohammed Alqawasmi
Board Member
Dr. Sameer Yousef Saleem Hazboun
Al Nowat Investments Management Board Member
Dr. Asad Mohammad Ahmad Ramlawi
Al Nowat Investments Management Board Member
Dr. Yousef Salem Mohammed Najajreh
Al Nowat Investments Management Board Member
Rami Mohamad Ibrahem Khlef
Al Nowat Investments Management Board Member
Dr. Sameh Moayad Lutfi Alatout
Al Nowat Investments Management Board Member
Anoud Nidal Munir Sukhtian
Al Nowat Investments Management Board Member
Excutive Management
Dr. Waleed Yousif Al-Kamel
General Manager