Action Responsibily

Social Responsibility

Beit Jala Pharmaceutical Company:

Abides by the rules prevailing in Palestine concerning the recruiting of workforce in terms of wages, increments, holidays and other special benefits which encompass granting a month bonus at the end of each fiscal year.
The company is committed towards preventing any type of discrimination that is based on gender, origin, color and religion.
Beit Jala Pharma is committed to employ people above eighteen years of age, in addition it strongly emphasizes this point with all suppliers.
The company is ISO 14001 certified , thus all issues related to air pollution, noise level and waste management is well taken care of.
Safety measures for protecting the employees are part of the work sheets available in the shop floor; this includes using safety masks, gloves, special gowning, and noise blockers, in addition to availability of emergency kits at the shop floor.
A fire alarm system is in place.
Internal audits are part of Beit Jala Pharma quality assurance system, thus preventing corruption at the company departments. Immediate corrective actions are placed and monitored for implementation.
Contributes in the tuition of schools of medicine students, it also sponsors free open medical days by making available all relevant needed medicines for the poor or for refugee camps patients.
Sponsors training seminars for doctors in the different hospitals.